Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God is still there...

Let me make an observation: there are many who are hurting right now. Some of these people are a part of Corinth, others are just in our local community. Some are hurting financially and wondering where the next meal//job is going to come from. Some are struggling with what they perceive as a “dark” season of testing and trial. Others are wrestling with doubt about who they are and what God wants them to do//be and whether or not He is even listening anymore. Others are just scared or feel all alone.

Perhaps a word that they need to hear is that God is still God regardless of anything else that goes on: God is still there… in the midst of your doubt, in the midst of your pain, in the midst of your trial, and when you feel scared and all alone…God is still there.

Which is why I’m really excited about our next sermon series, starting October 25. We are going to wrestle with some of these questions and look at what God offers as answers. Sometimes, we will like what He says…. other times we might not.

I hope that you’ll plan to be a part of this with us and that if you have a friend//family member who needs to hear words of comfort, that you’ll bring them along too.
